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SPECIAL EDITION: Includes 60 pages of reporter's notes encompassing each day of the January-February 2020 court hearing on a lawsuit  filed against Bayer and BASF by Missouri peach farmer, Bill Bader. Bader was awarded $265 million in the case. Both companies plan to appeal. This special edition is organized from our first story to our latest, with reporter's notes attached to each trial story. Notes include information from company emails and internal reports that were under a gag order during the trial.

Updated March 20, 2020: This edition includes thousands of pages of newly  released exhibits and transcripts from the Bill Bader lawsuit.


Updated July 31, 2022: Now with an addendum that includes all of our covereage since the 2020 trial of Bader Farms, Inc. v. Monsanto Co.

Since 2015, the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting has covered the pesticide dicamba and its increased use as new genetically modified soybeans and cotton seeds were developed to resist the chemical.

The agribusiness company Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, announced in 2015 that its pipeline of dicamba-resistant seeds and own version of the pesticide formulated to drift less would be the biggest biotech launch in company history.

Roundup, the most popular weed control system, was increasingly becoming less effective as over the years, weeds had developed a resistance to its key ingredient, glyphosate.

Farmers - faced with unexpected weather events, low prices and uncertain yields - were anxious for new effective weed control solutions. But the new dicamba-system had problems. Farmers saw millions of acres of nonresistant soybeans damaged by dicamba drift. Tensions were high. 

States implemented restrictions and the federal Environmental Protection Agency also restricted the pesticide's use. Bayer faces thousands of lawsuits over dicamba's damage - now merged into a class action case.

Prepare for a lot of pages! It's not just our coverage, it's also hundreds of pages of background materials such as lawsuits, emails, and company statements and reports from Monsanto.

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